6 ways to “level up” right now!

Has the shine of new years worn off?  Feeling like you’re hitting a slump? Does winter have you down?  Here are 6 quick ways to “level up” right now! Focus on self-care and shift your thinking and get back on track today!   Build a self-care bank: If the foundation of our self-care is in …

“I’m so scared of dying”

I hear my clients say….. “When I’m driving, I am terrified I’m going to be in a horrible accident.” “I fear I’m going to find out I have cancer.” I hear a lot of worry from my clients about death anxiety and health anxiety.  These are really scary thoughts that are ultimately about feeling totally …

Kate and Anthony – my sadness, anger, outrage and hope

Anthony Bourdain, dead at the age of 61.  Suicide. I’m feeling such strong feelings about this tragic loss.  On the heels of the news about Kate Spade earlier this week – I’m left in the wake of so many complex layers of thoughts and emotions.   From sadness and grief to anger and outrage.  Suicide …