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As of June, 2019 I’ve moved my blog platform to the Thriving Well Institute page. Please CLICK HERE to continue reading all the latest blogs and sign up for the Thriving Well Institute newsletter to stay current on all new blogs and offerings!

When Inspiration Meets Courage

A lot has happened since my last blog!  I’ve had a sudden burst of entrepreneurial energy which was inspired by my experience at the Bryant University Women’s Summit in Rhode Island a couple weeks ago where I was lucky enough to be a presenter again this year!   For over 20 years, Bryant University has …

6 ways to “level up” right now!

Has the shine of new years worn off?  Feeling like you’re hitting a slump? Does winter have you down?  Here are 6 quick ways to “level up” right now! Focus on self-care and shift your thinking and get back on track today!   Build a self-care bank: If the foundation of our self-care is in …

“I’m so scared of dying”

I hear my clients say….. “When I’m driving, I am terrified I’m going to be in a horrible accident.” “I fear I’m going to find out I have cancer.” I hear a lot of worry from my clients about death anxiety and health anxiety.  These are really scary thoughts that are ultimately about feeling totally …

Costa Rica Women’s Retreat

  Living your BEST Life – The Master Class A Women’s Retreat in Costa Rica April 13th – April 20th, 2019 Ahki Retreat – a Sanctuary for the Soul  You are invited to awaken your soul in the unparalleled beauty of Costa Rica.  Imagine staying in a private, exclusive retreat center, a sanctuary for the …