Megan is Founder and Psychotherapist with The Thrive Advantage Group, a group practice for psychotherapy services located in Grosse Pointe, MI.

Megan Gunnell, LMSW has been working as a therapist since 1996. She specializes in psychotherapy for women. Her areas of expertise include – treating depression and anxiety, women’s issues, life transitions, relationships, self-development and grief and loss.
Her practice is grounded in mind/body/spirit techniques that help individuals access their full potential. Megan works from a strength-based perspective, focusing on the uniqueness and resiliency of each individual.
For more specific information about Megan’s Psychotherapy practice visit Psychology Today
Meet the rest of the team here.
Call or email to schedule today: 248 – 635 – 5285 or thriveadvantage20 (at)
All sessions are virtual. We offer telehealth sessions; phone or video conferencing.
The Thrive Advantage Group Therapy Approach
We offer traditional talk therapy with a focus on Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). In addition we offer Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).
Other techniques such as music therapy, experiential art, guided imagery, visualization, journaling and meditation are sometimes used in our work to help clients realize their goals. Our Social Work training helps incorporate a whole-person approach to therapy where all factors are considered – such as social support, life stressors, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle and the importance of significant relationships.
Restoration Retreats
Client Testimonials
“Megan Gunnell is a warm, caring therapist, who has been so helpful to me in working through road blocks that have recently come up in my life. Her support is felt in her patient approach, and her genuine personality, and I leave each session feeling I have made true progress on my path to self-discovery and well-being.” H.B.
“I had lost my mother and my step-daughter within 6 days of each other. Less than 30 days later I lost my job. The grief was over-whelming. My husband was in such agony over the death of his daughter that I pushed my emotions aside to support him. I needed someone who could help me sort out my pain, my anger and my grief that was all-encompassing. I came to Megan Gunnell through a recommendation from my trusted and highly respected doctor. She assured me that Megan was the professional to help me with my struggles. Megan listened with compassion. She consoled me when I cried. She offered suggestions to help with my daily challenges. She assured me that guilt and anger were normal and unavoidable emotions throughout my grieving process. Most importantly Megan offered me the freedom to express and accept all of my emotions in a private and relaxed environment, away from the burden of protecting my loved ones in their own struggles. She has given me valuable tools that allow me to acknowledge my pain and loss, but also to support my husband through his. Her professional insight, knowledge and suggestions have helped my husband and I remain strong and connected to each other throughout this extremely difficult time.” L.H.
“Megan makes the most of each session. She is a compassionate listener and provides honest and gentle feedback. I have learned to re-examine my behavior in real time which enables me to react in a way that is healthy.” J.K.
“Megan has been so helpful in dealing with the grief and loss process before, during and after my moms death. I feel extremely comfortable talking to Megan and am able to express my feelings freely with her. She is a wonderful person who has helped me through a lot in my life.” S.Y.
“I was experiencing a lot of changes in my life such as moving to a new place where I didn’t know anyone and dealing with a new high pressure job. On top of that I was dealing with a deep depression that had been building up for five years that had never been accurately addressed. I felt lost and alone, helpless and hopeless so much so that I could barely get out of the bed. The time that I spent with Megan has helped me to deal with my issues in a healthy way. Her compassion, encouragement, and understanding have been a crucial part in my healing process. I had been to at least 3 therapists prior to seeing Megan, and can honestly say, none of them have been as helpful as she has. My time with Megan as rejuvenated me, and for the first time in a long time I feel hopeful about the future and confident about the person I am.” K.Q.
“I truly value my therapy experience with Megan Gunnell. I am learning to ask myself questions that focus on positive decision making. Megan helps me to evaluate life situations and realize that there is not a clear cut path but rather unique experiences that make us all individuals.” K.R.