Are your New Year’s Resolutions Slipping Away?

Let’s get honest.  We are nearing the end of February and our New Year’s Resolutions are waning.  Our word of the year feels lost in time and space.  Our motivation to make this the best year ever has merged into the slow lane.  On cruise control.  And it’s time to reset!     When we …

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Better Living

New Year’s is a time for fresh beginnings and new goals.  Typical resolutions focus on weight loss or healthier eating – which are wonderful self-care goals, but I would like to invite you to consider including these additional 5 resolutions for better living this year……. Live Brave!  I made a very conscious decision last year …

Why Restore?

Clients come to me after they’ve experienced a significant life stressor or traumatic event.  They’ve just had a big fight or flight response and spike in their nervous system and need to learn coping strategies and skill building to manage through the the aftermath.  But they also desperately need to restore.  Restoration is something I’ve …